Just In Her Meta
Her MetaPod
The Impact of Technology on Human Identity, Consciousness, and Creativity with Erifili Doukeli

The Impact of Technology on Human Identity, Consciousness, and Creativity with Erifili Doukeli

Ep 002

Welcome to Ep 002 of Just In Her Metapod!! I am joined with Erifili Doukeli (@eri_dart) an Athens-based 3D Digital Artist in my ongoing exploration of Accelerationism in Online (Sub)cultures.

The topic of discussion was how technology affects human relationships and consciousness. The loss of natural stimulation and everyday human interaction, the overstimulation brought on by VR and AI, and the addictive nature of technology were among the topics we covered. We also discussed accelerationism and how it affects interpersonal relationships, the challenges of contemporary dating and relationships, the flexibility and erosion of human identity in the digital era, and the self-imposed pressure to fit in with online culture. The discourse emphasised the intergenerational nature of these concerns and the possible disadvantages of flexibility.

Outline with Time Stamps:

Technology’s impact on human connection and identity:

  • 00:27 Man vs. Technology: on the addictive nature of repetition

  • 04:23 Bosch’s artwork is chaotic but organised, fluidity and messiness in the same work. Below is Eri’s rendition created using Machine Learning

(Pixels & Perspectives: Unraveling Identity and Connection in the Digital Age, 2024)

Fluidity, Identity, and Dissociation in Modern Society

  • 08:04 Nature’s fluidity mirrored in technology’s endless possibilities: More on Bosch

  • 10:17 Grappling with fluidity and deterioration in interpersonal relationships

  • 12:33 Dissociation between online and offline selves, potentially leading to a lack of self-awareness and inner exploration

Disconnection and acceleration in modern society

  • 16:04 Discussing the process of accelerationism, the cons being experiencing burnout and questioning its impact on humanity

The impact of capitalism and social media on relationships

  • 25:34 Argument that technology has disconnected us from our emotions and bodily functions, including discussions on how millennials and GenZ are delaying starting families, how social media makes us feel unsure and uncommitted to potential partners

Identity, relationships, and online culture in a rapidly changing world

  • 31:52 Eri reflects on the uncertainty and need for adaptability in personal and societal growth

  • 34:03 I reflect on the fluidity of identity in a globalised society, while Eri critiques the practicality of new technologies and their impact on relationships

  • 40:21 Argument that online cultures are influencing modern society by promoting ‘personalised, self-imposed alienation’ (PSA, term I coined to reflect main character era), where individuals are given a ‘box’ of online identities that detach them from others. I believe that online self-exploration is accelerating the main character culture, where individuals think they are the main characters in their won stories, leading to self-imposed alienation from others

Social Media influence and its impact on creativity and identity

  • 43:05 Eri comments on the pressure she feels as an artist to build a personal brand on platforms like Instagram, and experiences conflict between her creative identity and blatant consumerism

  • 45:37 Reach and money are important in creative industries, but gatekeeping can be toxic

  • 52:16 Commentary on predictions for future reliance on AI, and how it can lead to repetition and lack of originality

Just In Her Meta
Her MetaPod
i yap with interesting people about philosophy, new tech, meta, and cultural impacts. welcome to the metapod.
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Erifili Doukeli